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Always' "Like a Girl"

Targeting - Girls, women, parents, educators, gender equality advocates.

Core Theme of the Campaign -

Sparked a conversation about gender equality and stereotypes.

About the

Challenges gender stereotypes, encouraging girls and women to embrace strength.

Formula applied by the Campaign to elicit customer action -

Empowered girls and women to redefine "like a girl" as a source of strength.

Business Title

A Look at
the Campaign

1. Concept: The central concept of the campaign is to challenge the negative connotations and stereotypes that often surround the phrase "like a girl." Historically, "like a girl" has been used as an insult, implying that doing something "like a girl" is weak, ineffectual, or inferior. Always sought to change this perception.

2. Video Content: The campaign primarily consists of video advertisements and digital content that feature interviews and interactions with individuals, both young and old. These videos typically begin by asking people to demonstrate actions "like a girl," such as running or throwing, which are often done with exaggerated stereotypes. Then, they show young girls confidently performing these actions, debunking the stereotypes and showcasing their true abilities.

3. Empowerment Message: The "Like a Girl" campaign aims to empower girls and women by encouraging them to embrace their strengths and capabilities without being limited by stereotypes. It sends the message that doing something "like a girl" should be seen as a positive and strong expression.

4. Social Impact: The campaign had a significant social impact and generated a substantial amount of attention and discussion. It sparked conversations about gender stereotypes and encouraged a broader cultural shift in how society views and treats girls and women.

5. Awards and Recognition: Always' "Like a Girl" campaign received numerous awards and accolades in the advertising industry for its creativity and effectiveness in promoting a positive message.

6. Continued Engagement: Always has continued to build on the "Like a Girl" campaign by releasing additional videos and content that reinforce the message of empowerment and challenge stereotypes. The campaign has also partnered with organizations that support girls and women's causes.

Should you find value in this succinct overview, you will appreciate access to 

An exhaustive analysis we have garnered elucidating the following 3 studies -

A. The comprehensive breakdown & precise elements that led to the campaign’s success

B. Intricate details behind the campaign to ensure you don't miss any valuable insights we've uncovered

C. Components required to execute a similar campaign or a campaign of equivalent magnitude at your scale
This shall be alongside an extensive compendium of these insights for more than 1600 additional successful campaigns. 
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